I had prayed for this light she was talking about to shine through me and so that I could help people and hear God's word. But, there was a problem that I now see. I did not fully understand what it meant to have the Lord's light shining through me and onto the people in my life. Still, I prayed for this.
Today I sat through a First Priority meeting at my school. I had forgot that they were meeting in the band room today, because there is no school tomorrow. So, because it was Halloween and I always eat in the band room because of the parades we do for the elementary kids, I ended up sitting through this meeting for the first time in all of my high school career. I am really glad I did, and I don't think that it was just chance that I made that decision. I think it was part of God's plan for me all along.
The topic of discussion was Rachel Scott and her story. Rachel Scott was killed in the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and was a firm believer in God. She felt is presence in everything she did and everywhere she went. She knew He had a plan for her. She also had challenges and vision for people in order for the world to be a better place for everyone. This, along with knowing that God has a plan for each and every one of us, was the focus of our time.
We talked about how a smile or a thank you can make someone's day. That those things really do matter and make a difference to someone's life. I wasn't expecting much out of this Halloween, especially this. I'm really grateful for it though.
Just a few minutes ago I had finished watching a five part YouTube video dedicated to sharing her story. It ended up being over an hour of my time, but I would highly recommend watching it (click here to view the first part). This is when I truly realized what it meant to have God's light shine through me. It means being there for others when no one else is. It means to help those in need. It means to truly believe in the Lord and share this with others. It means to always know the Lord is with you. It means to always stay positive even when the going gets rough. This is what I pray for. I think you will fully understand what it means to have His light shine through you after you watch the videos.
Lastly, I have to say that every moment is a blessing so treat it like one. Don't do anything you will regret and do things you know you will not regret doing. Here is the link to the website honoring Rachel and the Lord (click here to view). I'll talk to you later. Bye : )