2. Speaking of being down, it is currently Thursday night after the first football game of the season at my school and I want to cry. Don't get my wrong, no one expected Tri County to win, but that's not why I'm so upset. Tonight was the first game of the football season, and also my first performance of the band season. To say the least, it didn't go so well. Of course, the smile probably fooled you. So, here I am eating a bowl of ice cream, tearing up, and feeling bad about one of my worst color guard performances ever. I'll probably cry myself to sleep tonight. *sigh* Let's all hope for better days, shall we?
3. This brings me to my next topic of interest. I have recently read Tanya Burr's new blog post (and by recently, I mean I just finished reading it about thirty seconds ago). She talks about her anxiety and how to get around it. I am bringing this up, because a few months ago I had realized that I have anxiety problems, too. It isn't something I would normally share with people, nor is it something I would associate with myself. But, it's still there. Even the simplest things can start up my worrying, such as playing my saxophone in band or having to communicate with people at school. Just thinking about it sends me into an anxious frenzy and these are things I have to do every single day. But, reading that someone I look up to in a way has the same problem is reassuring to me and helps me think that one day I won't have to deal with it. So, with that said, go check out Tanya's post (click here) or Zoella's video (click here). It is sure to help those out dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, or really anyone having a bad day. It definitely helped me out.
4. Now that I've kind of made this Five post a bit wishy-washy and emotional, I will now kindly share with you some fun things I have planned with my family before back-to-school (only 4 days until topic of number 3). Anyways, these plans are also a bit of the summer tag, so I'll just copy and paste that for you to see.
Whatever: It’s summer!
First up is: plans for the holidays. I hinted at some of my plans in a couple of posts earlier in the summer, but in case you don't remember I will tell you now. This weekend I am finishing my back-to-school shopping (just the casual notebooks, pencils, pens deal), going to Crystal Raceway for watch a race obviously, but also the fireworks after, and a bonfire (as a so long summer gathering).
Okay, so that was actually my plans for the holidays and what I am doing tomorrow all rolled into one. Moving on then.
5. The last of the five is just going to be some goals for this next school year, because I feel as if I want a good place to keep them (this blog is that place) and to share them with you, my readers.
There are many things I hope for this next year, but I know many of them won't happen for one reason or another (just being honest with myself). But, I know some of the goals I have all depend of the person I choose to be. Let's get listing.
- In the next school year, I am aiming to be happy more often. Loads of the time I am upset at myself, someone I know, or something that happened. I really want to change how I deal with situations and become a more easy going person who is happy.
- I also have a goal of being healthier. Despite being vegetarian, I don't feel very healthy. I know this is something I need to work on and I am determined to make it happen.
- Lastly, for now, I have a goal of going out of my comfort zone more often. I find myself a safe person, but I don't necessarily want to be like that. Safe, yes, but not unwilling to try new things. This also incorporates my anxiety, so it would also help concur that. I believe.
That's all I have for today! It was a pretty long post, but I hope you took the time to read it. Maybe leave a comment about your end of summer plans or what you are hoping to achieve this school year; I would like to read them. I have many post coming up in a few days so be sure to come back to read them. Alright then. Bye :)