30 August 2013

Friday Five

1. Lately, I have been feeling really down. Between family drama and just general insecurities, I find myself feeling this way at the most random of times. One thing that does help me is the saying: Hope For Better Days. I don't really know what it is about this saying that I like, but hope is essential to life in my eyes. Plus, there will be better days even if you can't picture them at the moment. The Robert Frost quote on my cork board isn't too bad either. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: it goes on."

2. Speaking of being down, it is currently Thursday night after the first football game of the season at my school and I want to cry. Don't get my wrong, no one expected Tri County to win, but that's not why I'm so upset. Tonight was the first game of the football season, and also my first performance of the band season. To say the least, it didn't go so well. Of course, the smile probably fooled you. So, here I am eating a bowl of ice cream, tearing up,  and feeling bad about one of my worst color guard performances ever. I'll probably cry myself to sleep tonight. *sigh* Let's all hope for better days, shall we?

3. This brings me to my next topic of interest. I have recently read Tanya Burr's new blog post (and by recently, I mean I just finished reading it about thirty seconds ago). She talks about her anxiety and how to get around it. I am bringing this up, because a few months ago I had realized that I have anxiety problems, too. It isn't something I would normally share with people, nor is it something I would associate with myself. But, it's still there. Even the simplest things can start up my worrying, such as playing my saxophone in band or having to communicate with people at school. Just thinking about it sends me into an anxious frenzy and these are things I have to do every single day. But, reading that someone I look up to in a way has the same problem is reassuring to me and helps me think that one day I won't have to deal with it. So, with that said, go check out Tanya's post (click here) or Zoella's video (click here). It is sure to help those out dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, or really anyone having a bad day. It definitely helped me out.  

4. Now that I've kind of made this Five post a bit wishy-washy and emotional, I will now kindly share with you some fun things I have planned with my family before back-to-school (only 4 days until topic of number 3). Anyways, these plans are also a bit of the summer tag, so I'll just copy and paste that for you to see.
A summer paradise
Favorite ice cream
Favorite summer quote
Favorite summer song
Favorite book
Favorite summer activity
Favorite summer dress
A picture of something I took last summer
Something I really want to do this summer
Favorite swimsuit/bikini
Favorite food
A film
Going to pool or beach
Plans for the holidays
Favorite makeup product
Favorite thing about summer
Favorite summer look
A summer essential
Summer where I live
Fave color for summer
What I’m doing tomorrow
Whatever: It’s summer!

First up is: plans for the holidays. I hinted at some of my plans in a couple of posts earlier in the summer, but in case you don't remember I will tell you now. This weekend I am finishing my back-to-school shopping (just the casual notebooks, pencils, pens deal), going to Crystal Raceway for watch a race obviously, but also the fireworks after, and a bonfire (as a so long summer gathering).

Okay, so that was actually my plans for the holidays and what I am doing tomorrow all rolled into one. Moving on then.

5. The last of the five is just going to be some goals for this next school year, because I feel as if I want a good place to keep them (this blog is that place) and to share them with you, my readers. 
There are many things I hope for this next year, but I know many of them won't happen for one reason or another (just being honest with myself). But, I know some of the goals I have all depend of the person I choose to be. Let's get listing.

  • In the next school year, I am aiming to be happy more often. Loads of the time I am upset at myself, someone I know, or something that happened. I really want to change how I deal with situations and become a more easy going person who is happy.
  • I also have a goal of being healthier. Despite being vegetarian, I don't feel very healthy. I know this is something I need to work on and I am determined to make it happen. 
  • Lastly, for now, I have a goal of going out of my comfort zone more often. I find myself a safe person, but I don't necessarily want to be like that. Safe, yes, but not unwilling to try new things. This also incorporates my anxiety, so it would also help concur that. I believe.
That's all I have for today! It was a pretty long post, but I hope you took the time to read it. Maybe leave a comment about your end of summer plans or what you are hoping to achieve this school year; I would like to read them. I have many post coming up in a few days so be sure to come back to read them. Alright then. Bye :)


28 August 2013

Summer Tag 18/19

There's kind of a story behind both parts of this post, today. Let us jump in.
A summer paradise
Favorite ice cream
Favorite summer quote
Favorite summer song
Favorite book
Favorite summer activity
Favorite summer dress
A picture of something I took last summer
Something I really want to do this summer
Favorite swimsuit/bikini
Favorite food
A film
Going to pool or beach
Plans for the holidays
Favorite makeup product
Favorite thing about summer
Favorite summer look
A summer essential
Summer where I live
Fave color for summer
What I’m doing tomorrow
Whatever: It’s summer!

First up is my summer paradise: Aruba! Aruba is my summer paradise, because when I was younger my aunt was in the navy and went to Aruba. While there, she got my siblings and I bracelets (Mine was purple and I always wore it as an anklet. I have super small wrists, okay?). Ever since, I have always wanted to go to Aruba. That's where this picture comes in. Freshman year in computer class, I had an assignment to pick a place I wanted to go for vacation and make a 'postcard' with a picture found on the internet showcasing it. The rest you can see for yourself. I really want to go to Aruba.

Next is something that I could do at any moment, but something I was really hoping to do this summer. I am talking about swing dancing. Last fall I learned how to swing dance with the seniors in my school band for their senior showcase. I like to think I was a natural. Anyways, it was so much fun and I swear I could do it all the time. Bring on the jazzy music! Hey, it's still summer! Bye :)


26 August 2013

A Few Favorites

Goodness gracious! Lately, I have been spending a lot of time on the internet. Between blogging, tweeting, and reading, a lot of my time has been taken up by this or that. I only hope that I will still find time for all these things once school starts in 8 days. *crosses fingers* In the mean time, I thought you would appreciate to know some of the blogs that I have really been enjoying.

First up, is Theodora Lee's blog Love From, Theo. Now, I have only just discovered that this youtuber has a blog, but after reading two chapters from her blook (book-on-a-blog) I am hooked. This is definitely a blog you should check out! Gripping, dramatic, heartfelt; a must read.

The next blog I like reading, because the writer always seems to be going somewhere new and shares her experiences with her readers. I am talking about The Londoner. Rosie seems to always be on one adventure or another in an amazing outfit, no less. A very well-written blog.

Another blog that I love is quite a quirky one. Sprinkle Of Glitter is yet another youtuber with a blog. Of course, her blog came first. Anyways, I love reading Louise's posts, because she is quite the fun, quirky person that I can relate to. All that she writes is so lovely. 

Lastly, I love keeping up with the Jones Life. The Jones' once had a show on TLC called Quints By Surprise that showcased the transition in their life from one child to six. I love watching reruns of this show. Now, Ethan and, sometimes, Casey blog about their crazy, hectic life. I just love reading the posts even if they are few and far between!

I really hope you check out the above blogs; they are favorites of mine. And while you're at it you might as well subscribe to them. Oh, how I would love to have a BLOOK like Theo. Maybe I will eventually. Bye :)

HW <3

24 August 2013

Summer Tag #17

What's up, Lovelies? Hard to believe school for me is starting again in only a week and a half. Summer's almost over and so is this tag, but no fear because I have a lot of fun posts planned for fall. Plus, I am really excited for fall (click here to read my summer confessions). Anyways, here's summer tag 17.

A summer paradise
Favorite ice cream
Favorite summer quote
Favorite summer song
Favorite book
Favorite summer activity
Favorite summer dress
A picture of something I took last summer
Something I really want to do this summer
Favorite swimsuit/bikini
Favorite food
A film
Going to pool or beach
Plans for the holidays
Favorite makeup product
Favorite thing about summer
Favorite summer look
A summer essential
Summer where I live
Fave color for summer
What I’m doing tomorrow
Whatever: It’s summer!

Prepare yourselves. It's another collection of photos.

Not so good scale...

And Plei

 Now, these are only a few of the photos taken on this trip to Tamarack, maybe three weeks ago. Oh, and Tamarack is not a lake (or pool, as you can tell). It is a creek/river. Anyways, my sister, my sister's friend, and I all went to this creek/river and took some pics and swam around for a bit. Although, the water was too cold and it was windy. Whatever I say! It was all good fun. :)


23 August 2013

A Fresh New Face

As you can see from just reading this post right now, some changes have been made. I have recently decided I want this blog to be the very best of what I can make. Therefore, a 'fresh face' was in order. I want so much for this blog and I have so much to share. Total dedication to this blog, to my readers, and myself. I hope you continue reading if you have been and if you are new to this blog, welcome! I would love if you would subscribe so you know when I publish a post. You can subscribe through bloglovin' on the right side of the page and follow me on twitter and google+. 
More changes are to come, but in the mean time please enjoy the content I have posted so far.
One last thing: a song that pretty much describes how I am feeling right now. Changin' Me by Cady Groves

Alright. Bye :)


21 August 2013

Summer Tag x2

Hey! So, as you can tell from the title, this is a double summer tag post. Without further ado, here it is.

A summer paradise
Favorite ice cream
Favorite summer quote
Favorite summer song
Favorite book
Favorite summer activity
Favorite summer dress
A picture of something I took last summer
Something I really want to do this summer
Favorite swimsuit/bikini
Favorite food
A film
Going to pool or beach
Plans for the holidays
Favorite makeup product
Favorite thing about summer
Favorite summer look
A summer essential
Summer where I live
Fave color for summer
What I’m doing tomorrow
Whatever: It’s summer!

First up is: a photo of something I took last summer. But, the truth is I took literally zero pictures last summer. So instead, I chose a photo that someone else took of me. Not to bad in my opinion and a good alternative for the situation.

 Next is a film -or movie. A Bee Movie. When trying to decide what I wanted to feature for this post, I was uncertain. Should I show a film I want to see or a film I saw for the first time this summer? No. In the end I chose a familiar movie that I've seen many times. This is it. I remember watching this movie so many times; after school before cheer practice, when I was having a bad day, as a late night must-watch. Although I haven't watched this movie is a long time, I still feel as if it is a favorite of mine. Plus, I can still recite much of the script from memory. :)

HW <3

19 August 2013

Shopping And Food Eating...

In spite of my regular posting, I seem to forget to really update you on what I am doing. Therefore, today I am not posting a summer tag or a story about this or that hoping to inspiring one person or another. I will simply be posting about what I have been up to.

To start off, yesterday I went on some back to school clothes shopping with my dad, brother, my dad's girlfriend Anisa, and one of her daughters. Let's just say that my closet is a bit fuller, although I am not finished buying things quite yet. To know specifically what I bought yesterday and in the upcoming week, you will have to check back to this blog when I post about it. 

Next, we headed off for an early dinner at Olive Garden. This was my first time going to Olive Garden despite my wanting to go for about a year. I was actually supposed to go for my sixteenth birthday in February, but decided against it seeing that it was a bit expensive. But on our outing yesterday, my dad decided that we were going to Olive Garden. Let me just say, it was delicious. We ordered bread sticks to start, and I ordered a salad and fettuccine Alfredo.  Yum! 

After dinner we headed off to the bookstore, Schuler's, to chill/relax for a bit after dinner. I planned on buying a present for my brother, but couldn't find anything I thought he would like. Then again, I was stuffed with food and tired from shopping.

Now, the week's upcoming plans. Tonight I have band practice, and I'm really hoping we get some work done tonight, because our first game that we perform at is in a week and a half. The color guard still has work that isn't wrote and there is a lot of cleaning to be done. Let's hope for the best. Tomorrow my sister and I are going shopping (remember when I hinted at that above?) to pick up some things for back-to-school and things that I just feel like buying for myself. I am going shopping once more before school starts and that is this weekend with my family to buy notebooks, pencils, pens, etc. 

Anyways, you're pretty much all caught up on what I have been doing and what I will be doing in the week to come. Have a good rest of the summer. It won't be long before we are all sitting at desks on the first day of school. :)


17 August 2013

Summer Tag 14

I really can't believe we are already halfway through August, my favorite month. The summer tag is also winding down with only eight after this post. Whoa. Where has the summer gone? I mean, really?

A summer paradise
Favorite ice cream
Favorite summer quote
Favorite summer song
Favorite book
Favorite summer activity
Favorite summer dress
A picture of something I took last summer
Something I really want to do this summer
Favorite swimsuit/bikini
Favorite food
A film
Going to pool or beach
Plans for the holidays
Favorite makeup product
Favorite thing about summer
Favorite summer look
A summer essential
Summer where I live
Fave color for summer
What I’m doing tomorrow
Whatever: It’s summer!


Pretty clever I think. This picture features: my refrigerator, cheese, and chocolate chip cookie dough. Now, when it comes to my favorite ice cream I have always liked chocolate chip cookie dough, but I recently discovered that cappuccino chocolate chip ice cream is delicious, also. But, there you are. :)


16 August 2013

Summer Confessions + Pretty Eyes

Good day!
As you can tell from the title, I am going to share more of my summer confessions (click here for the first confessions post). I find these type of posts really fun and it's an interesting way for my readers to really get to know me. So, here I go; jumping right into confession number one.

As much as I love, love, love summer weather and time off from school to relax, I soon become bored and restless for fall to come. This year is no exception. In fact, this year is even more bazaar, because of the fact that I really want cool fall nights and school to start. Although, last time I checked, where I live has had fall-like days for a little while now. But, still! Who doesn't want back-to-school shopping, football games, homecoming dances, warm sweaters to wear in the autumn air. I don't know. I just can't wait. Plus, the fall holidays. Oh, don't even get me started. I could go on forever about one thing or another. On to the next confession? I think yes.

Confession two involves these:
That's right. I love sweet cherries. In my house, I am really the only one who eats them. Everyone else either doesn't like the taste or doesn't like having to take the pits out. Personally, I could just sit and eat the whole lot of them. But, I don't. We must show some control. The downside: cherries are so, so expensive where I live. Really. 10 dollars for a bag of sweet cherries is a bit much. Therefore, I only get one bag a summer. But, that is besides the point. Actually, there are cherries sitting right next to me in a bowl while I type this just waiting to be ate.

Next confession: I love summer because of the opportunity to really find new bands and music to listen to. During the school year, I have so much homework, band practices/competitions, football or basketball games to attend, etc. I just don't have time to listen to new music. 

This summer I have spent most of my time doing one of these three activities: working on my online class, posting on this here blog, and listening to music. Most of the time I try to do all of these activities at once. Anyways, in honor of my finding new bands to listen to, I will share a list of some of the bands I have discovered and/or been listening to a bunch this summer.
-5 Seconds of Summer (my favorite band!)
-Stereo Skyline
-Finger Eleven
-Let It Happen
-Driver Friendly
-Ghost Towns
-The Wombats
-John Lennon 
-Plug In Stereo
-Ron Pope
Of course, there are plenty of others that have had my attention this summer also, but these are the ones that come to mind. Mostly, because I wrote their names down on a piece of paper for reference. Not technically cheating.

Now, time for the pretty eyes portion of this post. I don't know about you, but I have such a hard time when it comes to putting liquid eyeliner on. It takes me literally a half hour and smudges every which way.  Plus, it seem so expensive to buy pricing from 7 to 10 dollars for one eyeliner. But, no fear! I have the perfect solution.

First, start with a small makeup brush. For instance, I use the brush below, even though it isn't a makeup brush.
Next, you want to dip the end of the brush in water so it comes to a point instead of being fluffy. Make sure it is only slightly damp, because if is is dripping water this makeup concept won't work for you. Then comes the time to pick the color of eye shadow to use. Yup, eye shadow. I prefer black, but you can pick any of your favorite colors to use. With your slightly damp brush, get a little bit of eye shadow on the end. Then, apply. 
When applying the eye shadow to make it look like actual eyeliner, you can apply it as thick or as light as you please. It is quick and easy alternative to using liquid eyeliner that smudges and stings if you get it into your eye. Using a shadow still gives you the look of eyeliner and is just as dark as a liner. My perspective, this concept is easier and cheaper than actual liner AND you will get lots of compliments on your makeup. I did.

With all of that said, I hope you liked this post and I encourage you to try the 'eye shadow for liner' concept. I will chat to you all on Sunday with a brand new summer tag. :)

HW <3

13 August 2013

Summer Tag 13

Hey, lovelies! In honor of the below average weather today, here is my outfit. I believe this is going to be something of a big hit in my fall closet, but we'll see.

In all honesty, I absolutely love this sweater; my family hates it. They just don't understand how I could like it. But I do and that is all that matters.

Now, to the real topic at hand. The summer tag day 13.

A summer paradise
Favorite ice cream
Favorite summer quote
Favorite summer song
Favorite book
Favorite summer activity
Favorite summer dress
A picture of something I took last summer
Something I really want to do this summer
Favorite swimsuit/bikini
Favorite food
A film
Going to pool or beach
Plans for the holidays
Favorite makeup product
Favorite thing about summer
Favorite summer look
A summer essential
Summer where I live
Fave color for summer
What I’m doing tomorrow
Whatever: It’s summer!

Truthfully, you may not be expecting what I have to show for this post. My favorite thing about summer was initially was going to be spinning; as in color guard. In the end, spinning was moved to favorite summer activity and this tag turned into this:

I know it doesn't look like much, just a couple pictures of my cork board, but really, the meaning behind it is what matters. My favorite thing about summer is the opportunity to try new things and be inspired about what is around me. That is pretty much the whole idea of this board. I can pin up whatever is inspiring me or something of the sorts. Mind you, that big blank spot in the middle is still up for filling; I just don't have any clue what.

In the mean time, I will tell you what is on my cork board. To start off, I have a picture of my face in the upper left hand corner next to two pictures out of a Readers Digest magazine. Below that is a fake Carnation flower with a Dove candy wrapper that states "Don't take it personal." The bottom left corner has a paper snowflake behind magazine cutouts of a perfect outfit. Like I stated before the middle of the board is blank at the moment except for the very top and that is a quote by Robert Frost that helps me feel better when I'm not having the greatest day:
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on."
On the right at the very top, I have a mustache and right below that is a sketch of my shoe and more outfit inspirations. Towards the middle on the right is another Dove wrapper that says "Smiling is free" with a snowflake and another saying. "Stay true to who you are; embrace your self esteem." I believe this was from a pair of jeans. Lastly, at the bottom of my cork board I have more perfect outfit inspirations, one of Hayley Williams, with yet another saying from a pair of jeans I had bought that states "Absolutely Famous."

There you go, my cork board. I hope that inspired you and maybe you will try something similar for yourself. Plus, if you want to switch is up it is super easy seeing all you use is pushpins and items that inspire you. :)

HW <3