01 February 2014

B-day Countdown

Hey, Lovelies

In 6 days, it's my birthday! I'm turning 17 and I just can't believe it.

I just can't believe that I will be turning 17 when I sometimes feel like I'm five years old. I wish I was turning five. 17 seems like it would be just to much to handle. You have to take the ACT, apply to college, pick the college you're going to attend, spend money, actually have a life. Growing older just leads to a bunch of unpleasant situations. And also a bunch of good ones, if I'm being honest. Which I am.

Still, I'm super nervous about those things.

Being five would mean taking naps without being judged, finger painting, learning the 'right way' to glue in school,  being completely weird but called cute instead of crazy. Five year old's are lucky!

But, whatevs!

My birthday party is two days after my birthday and one day after the Sadie Hawkin's (I have a lot going on that weekend). This year, my family is combining my birthday party with my sister's (b-day also in February) and grandpa's (end of Jan.). It should be fun, but could turn into one big, annoying thing! But, what can you do?

I promise to post lots of pictures from that weekend (next weekend!). Lots of love.


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